University of California
UC Master Gardener Program of Yolo County
Friends & Neighbors
- Sacramento County Master Gardeners collaborate with city and county departments to provide information on water quality and composting, they maintain the demonstration gardens at the Fair Oaks Horticulture Center, and coordinate the annual Harvest Day educational event the first Saturday in August.
- Solano County Master Gardeners The Master Gardener Volunteer Program is a partnership among the University of California, USDA, county governments, and California residents. This program is an important outreach and public service arm of the UC's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) directed at home gardeners in Solano County. Master Gardener Program training and management are administered by the county UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) offices.
- UC Integrated Pest Management (IPM) This site is easy to navigate; there is a link to pests of Home & Landscape (Pest Notes); from that location there are categories such as pests of homes, insects, plant diseases, weeds, and vertebrate pests, with links to specific pests. Don’t miss the weed photo gallery.
- Center for Landscape and Urban Horticulture The center provides access to U.C. research-based information on many environmental horticultural issues.
- UCD Arboretum This site will tell you about the Arboretum and the Mediterranean climate of our area, and upcoming events. See descriptions of the theme and demonstration gardens.
- UC Davis Honey Bee Haven The Haven is a unique outdoor museum that provides resources for local bee pollinators, inspires and educates visitors to create pollinator habitat gardens, and provides a site for the observation and study of bees and the plants that support them.
- The California Garden Web The UC Statewide Master Gardener Program designed the California Garden Web to serve as a portal to organize and extend the University of California's vast collection of research-based information about gardening to the public. The California Garden Web focuses on sustainable gardening practices and uses a question and answer format to present solutions. There is a blog on the California Garden Web's home page that is updated weekly, and highlights gardening issues pertaining to the season.
- The UC Guide to Healthy Lawns For home gardeners and managers of parks, school grounds, and other low-maintenance turf. All you need to know to grow a lawn using little or no pesticide.
- UC ANR Catalog orders This site is easy to navigate; there are publications and videos to order covering agricultural information, gardens and lawns, pest and disease management---“from ants to zinnias, almonds to zinfandel, we’ve got you covered!” You can also download free publications.
- California Backyard Orchard This site includes information for backyard gardeners and consumers about UC research, contacts, courses, publications, news, and events relating to backyard and consumer fruit and nut issues.This is a great place to go for help with seasonal jobs in your home fruit tree orchard, as well as what varieties do well in the home garden and pest management options.
- Vegetable Research and Information Center This fun website has a virtual tour of vegetable production in California. There are jokes, games, youth science projects and an events calendar. Information re: production, home vegetable gardening , IPM, and post-harvest management is included on many vegetable crops.
- Weed Identification Tool – Weed Information UC Davis This project conducts research and education activities designed to provide useful information to the public that is specific to weedy plants of the US, specifically California.
- U. C. Master Food Preservers Program The University of California Master Food Preserver Program extends UC research-based information about home food safety and preservation to the public.
- Plant Right – Invasive Plants and Alternatives Keep invasive plants in check. Learn about invasive plants and alternatives in your area.
- UC Berkeley Urban Bee Garden A guide to introducing pollinators into your garden.
- Our Water Our World This website has been developed to assist consumers in managing home and garden pests in a way that helps protect our water and the environment. Included is a list of products that are considered safer alternatives to more conventional pesticides
- Regional Water Authority Information resources to help you learn more about water supply sources, water quality issues, water management tools and water-saving practices for homes and businesses
- California Native Plant Society (CNPS) This site covers the mission of CNPS, and includes a photo gallery of plants that attract butterflies and the habitat and requirements of native grasses. There are links to local chapters, publications, and action alerts. For those who garden with a more ecological bent, this is an enjoyable and informative website.
- Tree Davis This organizations goal is to enhance the urban forest by teaching people to plant and care for trees.
- Sacramento Tree Foundation Building healthy, livable communities in the Sacramento region by growing the best urban forest in the nation.
- Dave Wilson Nursery The Master Gardener program does not recommend or endorse any particular commercial businesses however, this is a good site for garden information especially for fruit and nut trees.
- Farmer Fred Lifetime Master Gardener Fred Hoffman is the host of "Garden Basics with Farmer Fred" podcast and "The Green Acres Garden Podcast with Farmer Fred". This website contains a wealth of advice and information on all aspects of gardening.